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Chelsey and Family

I had the opportunity to photograph a colleague and her family on the UVU campus. The son had just returned from a two…

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, I start preparing for it in August. I make pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin…

Category Archives: couples

Libby & Tay Maternity

Expecting couple Libby and Tay met up with me on a particularly chilly spring morning in downtown Indianapolis. This sweet couple is expecting a little boy later this spring. Both mom and dad have a background in newspapers (Libby is actually a Mizzou grad like me!). The couple wanted a vintage feel with unique architecture, so...

Bri & Greg

Meet Bri and Greg, an adorable couple who wanted to make the most of the fall color in Chicago with a couple’s session. I met these two on a frosty and foggy morning at Fabyan Forest Preserve in Geneva, IL. The park was gorgeous with so many spots, I may have overdone it a bit....

Kaitlin and John

Meet Kaitlin and John and their adorable fur baby Loki. Their engagement is straight out of a fairytale. Literally. John proposed in a castle in Bavaria during a spring trip to Europe. The location John chose for the engagement session was equally amazing. We hiked up Albion Basin (remind me not to wear ballet flats next...